About me

Welcome to my academic website! My name is Avisha and I am a PhD Candidate at Johns Hopkins University in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. My research is at the intersection of machine learning and medicine. I work on optimizing focused ultrasound therapy in neurosurgery with computer vision, acoustic wave modeling, and operator learning. I am affiliated with the Neuroengineering Lab and the HEPIUS Lab.

I received my Bachelor’s of Science (Dec 2019) and Master of Engineering (May 2020) degrees at Cornell University. During my time there, I was a member of the Space Systems Design Studio, with the research focus of spacecraft electrical system development. For my Master’s thesis, I delved into algorithms to emulate the mammalian olfactory system with neuromorphic systems. After completing my Masters degree, I spent a year as a computational neuroscience research scientist at Yale School of Medicine in the Blumenfeld Lab, using signal processing techniques to study the electrical activity of the brain in patients with epilepsy.


Avisha Kumar

ECE PhD Candidate @ JHU